10 Genius Ways to Make Your Food Last So Much Longer

Keeping your food fresh can sometimes feel like a losing battle. From herbs that wilt too soon to berries that spoil overnight, it’s easy to feel frustrated. But with a few clever tricks, you can extend the life of your groceries significantly. Discover ten genius ways to help your food last so much longer and reduce waste.

Store Herbs in Water

Image Editorial Credit: Maridav / shutterstock.com

To keep herbs like cilantro and parsley fresh, store them in a glass of water. Trim the stems and place the herbs upright in a jar filled with a couple of inches of water. Cover the jar loosely with a plastic bag and store it in the fridge. This simple method keeps herbs crisp and fresh for weeks.

Wrap Greens in Paper Towels

Image Editorial Credit: amarosy / DepositPhotos

Moisture is the enemy of leafy greens. To keep them from wilting, wrap your greens in paper towels before placing them in a plastic bag. The paper towels absorb excess moisture, keeping the greens dry and fresh. This trick can extend their freshness by several days.

Freeze Leftovers in Portions

Image Editorial Credit: Ahanov Michael / shutterstock.com

Freezing leftovers in individual portions is a great way to reduce waste. Divide meals into single servings and store them in airtight containers or freezer bags. Label each container with the date to keep track of how long they’ve been frozen. This method makes it easy to thaw just what you need, ensuring nothing goes to waste.

Use Vinegar for Berries

Image Editorial Credit: mario7 / DepositPhotos

Rinse berries in a mixture of one part vinegar to three parts water before storing them. The vinegar solution helps kill mold spores and bacteria that cause berries to spoil. After rinsing, dry the berries thoroughly and store them in a paper towel-lined container. This can help your berries last up to a week longer.

Keep Potatoes with Apples

Image Editorial Credit: kitisak pingkasarn / shutterstock.com

Store potatoes with apples to prevent them from sprouting. The ethylene gas released by apples helps inhibit the growth of sprouts on potatoes. Keep them in a cool, dark place in a well-ventilated bag or basket. This can significantly extend the shelf life of your potatoes.

Store Bread in the Freezer

Image Editorial Credit: qwartm / DepositPhotos

To keep bread from going stale or molding, store it in the freezer. Slice the bread before freezing so you can take out just what you need. When you’re ready to eat it, thaw the slices at room temperature or toast them straight from the freezer. This method keeps bread fresh for months.

Use Airtight Containers for Dry Goods

Image Editorial Credit: AntonMatyukha / DepositPhotos

Store dry goods like flour, rice, and pasta in airtight containers. This protects them from moisture, pests, and air exposure, which can cause them to go stale or spoil. Choose containers with a tight seal to ensure maximum freshness. Properly stored dry goods can last significantly longer.

Keep Cheese Fresh with Wax Paper

Image Editorial Credit: casanisa / shutterstock.com

Wrap cheese in wax paper instead of plastic wrap to keep it fresh longer. Wax paper allows the cheese to breathe, preventing it from becoming too moist or dry. After wrapping in wax paper, place the cheese in a loosely sealed plastic bag or container. This method helps maintain the cheese’s texture and flavor.

Store Onions and Garlic in a Cool, Dry Place

Image Editorial Credit: dourleak / shutterstock.com

Onions and garlic should be stored in a cool, dry place with good air circulation. Avoid storing them in plastic bags, which can trap moisture and lead to mold. Instead, use mesh bags or baskets to allow air to flow around them. Proper storage can keep onions and garlic fresh for months.

Use Lemon Juice for Avocados

Image Editorial Credit: AnjelikaGr / shutterstock.com

Prevent avocados from browning by brushing them with lemon juice. The acidity in the lemon juice slows down the oxidation process that causes browning. Store the brushed avocado halves in an airtight container in the fridge. This trick keeps avocados looking fresh and appetizing for a few extra days.

This article originally appeared on RetailShout.

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