10 Foods Marketed as Low-Fat That Will Pack on the Pounds

When trying to eat healthily, it’s common to reach for foods labeled as “low-fat” or “fat-free.” However, not all low-fat foods are created equal, and some can actually be calorie bombs in disguise. In this article, we’ll be sharing 10 foods that are marketed as low-fat but are actually high in calories. From breakfast cereals to salad dressings, by learning to identify these hidden calorie bombs, you can make smarter choices and stay on track with your healthy eating plan.

Low-Fat Yogurt

Image Editorial Credit: grandbrothers / shutterstock.com

While yogurt is a wholesome snack, many “low-fat” versions compensate for the reduction in fat by adding sugar or artificial sweeteners. This can increase the calorie count and can negatively impact blood sugar levels.

Granola Bars

Image Editorial Credit: Katarzyna Hurova / shutterstock.com

Marketed as a healthy snack, many granola bars labeled as “low-fat” contain significant amounts of sugars, syrups, and other caloric ingredients. Though they might contain less fat, the sugar content can make them a high-calorie option.

Salad Dressings

Image Editorial Credit:Elena Veselova / shutterstock.com

While they might be touted as “low-fat” or “fat-free,” many salad dressings are loaded with sugars, salt, and other additives. This not only increases their calorie content but can also diminish the health benefits of your fresh salad.

Smoothies from Chain Stores

Image Editorial Credit: ZikG / Shutterstock

Store-bought or chain store smoothies might be marketed as a health drink, but some “low-fat” versions are packed with high-calorie ingredients, such as sweeteners, ice creams, or syrups, making them less healthy than they seem.

Breakfast Cereals

Image Editorial Credit:Elena Veselova / shutterstock.com

Many cereals that advertise as “low-fat” are often high in sugar. While they may lack the fats, the excessive sugars contribute to their calorie content, potentially leading to sugar spikes when consumed.


Image Editorial Credit: nelea33 / shutterstock.com

While the “low-fat” label might seem appealing, many muffins are made with refined flours, sugars, and calorie-rich additives. Such ingredients might increase their calorie content, making them less than ideal for weight-conscious individuals.

Frozen Yogurt

Image Editorial Credit: veryulissa / shutterstock.com

Often perceived as a healthier alternative to ice cream, some frozen yogurts, especially those labeled “low-fat,” compensate for the flavor with added sugars. Toppings, like candy and syrups, further increase the calorie count.

Pasta Sauces

Image Editorial Credit: paul prescott / Shutterstock

Many commercial pasta sauces might promote a “low-fat” label, but they can be riddled with sugars, preservatives, and other high-calorie ingredients. This can quickly turn a healthy pasta dish into a calorie-dense meal.

Fruit Juices

Image Editorial Credit:Jack Mankel / shutterstock.com

Though they may lack fats, many fruit juices are concentrated sources of natural sugars. Some even have added sugars, making their calorie content comparable to soft drinks.

Baked Chips

Image Editorial Credit: ZikG / Shutterstock

Baked chips might have less fat than their fried counterparts, but they can still be high in calories. Some are made with calorie-dense ingredients, and it’s easy to consume them in large quantities, increasing calorie intake.

This article originally appeared on RetailShout.

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