28 Timeless Pie Recipes We Still Love Today

If you’re a fan of classic desserts, you’ll love these vintage pie recipes we still make today. These timeless treats have been passed down through generations and continue to delight with their rich flavors and comforting textures. From the creamy goodness of Sugar Cream Pie to the tangy sweetness of Fresh Cherry Pie, there’s something here for everyone.

Sugar Cream Pie

Image Editorial Credit: from my point of view / Shutterstock

A classic from Indiana, sugar cream pie is simple yet rich. It features a buttery crust filled with a creamy mixture of sugar, flour, and cream. A dusting of nutmeg on top adds a warm, aromatic note. This pie is easy to make by cooking the filling on the stovetop until thickened, then pouring it into the baked crust. The result is a smooth, custardy texture with a caramelized sugar top. It tastes sweet and creamy, with a hint of spice from the nutmeg.

Grandma’s Chocolate Meringue Pie

Image Editorial Credit: P Maxwell Photography / Shutterstock

This pie combines a velvety chocolate filling with a light, fluffy meringue topping. The crust is typically pre-baked, and the filling is made from cocoa, sugar, cornstarch, and milk, cooked until thick and glossy. Once poured into the crust, it’s topped with stiffly beaten egg whites and sugar. After a brief bake to set the meringue, the pie is ready to serve. Its taste is a perfect balance of rich chocolate and sweet, airy meringue.

Fresh Cherry Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

Fresh cherry pie is a summer favorite, using tart cherries for a burst of flavor. The filling consists of pitted cherries, sugar, and a bit of cornstarch for thickening. Encased in a flaky double crust, the pie bakes until bubbly and golden brown. A hint of almond extract can be added to enhance the cherries’ flavor. The result is a sweet and tart pie with a juicy filling and a crisp, buttery crust.

Maple Syrup Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Maple syrup pie is a Canadian classic with a smooth, sweet filling made from pure maple syrup, butter, eggs, and cream. The ingredients are mixed and poured into a pre-baked crust, then baked until set. The pie has a rich, caramel-like flavor with a silky texture. It’s best enjoyed chilled, allowing the flavors to meld together, offering a sweet, deep maple taste with each bite.

Mom’s Peach Pie

Image Editorial Credit: New Africa / Shutterstock

This pie captures the essence of summer with its juicy, ripe peaches. The filling is a simple mixture of sliced peaches, sugar, flour, and a pinch of cinnamon. It’s baked in a flaky double crust until golden and bubbly. The peaches become tender and syrupy, creating a sweet and fragrant filling. Each slice offers a burst of peach flavor with a hint of cinnamon spice.

Tomato Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Tatiana Volgutova / Shutterstock

An old-fashioned favorite, tomato pie is both sweet and tangy. The filling is made from thinly sliced tomatoes, sugar, cinnamon, and a bit of vinegar for balance. It’s baked in a double crust until the tomatoes are tender and the filling is thickened. The taste is unique, with the tartness of the tomatoes complemented by the sweetness and spices, creating a deliciously different dessert.

World’s Best Lemon Pie

Image Editorial Credit: 5 second Studio / Shutterstock

This pie boasts a tart and creamy lemon filling topped with a light meringue. The filling, made from lemon juice, zest, sugar, and egg yolks, is cooked until thick and smooth. It’s poured into a pre-baked crust and topped with whipped egg whites and sugar. After baking to set the meringue, the pie is ready. It’s tangy and sweet with a refreshing citrus flavor and a fluffy, caramelized topping.

Old-Fashioned Custard Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Dian Oktaviani / Shutterstock

A simple yet elegant dessert, custard pie features a smooth, eggy filling. Made from eggs, milk, sugar, and vanilla, the mixture is poured into a partially baked crust and baked until set. Nutmeg is often sprinkled on top for added flavor. The pie has a delicate, creamy texture with a mild sweetness and a hint of vanilla and nutmeg, making it a comforting treat.

Shoofly Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Michael G McKinne / Shutterstock

Shoofly pie is a Pennsylvania Dutch classic with a gooey molasses filling. The crust is filled with a mixture of molasses, brown sugar, and water, thickened with flour and an egg. A crumbly topping of flour, butter, and sugar adds texture. It’s baked until set, resulting in a pie that’s sweet and slightly tangy with a rich, molasses flavor and a crunchy topping.

Southern Buttermilk Pie

Image Editorial Credit: AS Foodstudio / Shutterstock

This pie has a custardy filling made from buttermilk, sugar, butter, eggs, and a touch of lemon juice. The ingredients are mixed and poured into an unbaked crust, then baked until golden and set. The buttermilk gives the pie a slight tang, balancing the sweetness. Its texture is smooth and creamy, and the flavor is rich and buttery with a hint of citrus.

Sweet Potato Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Lili Blankenhship / Shutterstock

A staple in Southern cuisine, sweet potato pie features a filling made from mashed sweet potatoes, sugar, eggs, milk, and warm spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. The filling is poured into a pie crust and baked until set. The pie is creamy and smooth, with the natural sweetness of the sweet potatoes complemented by the spices, making it a comforting and flavorful dessert.

Coconut Cream Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock

Coconut cream pie has a rich, creamy filling made from coconut milk, sugar, eggs, and cornstarch. The mixture is cooked until thickened, then poured into a baked pie crust and topped with whipped cream and toasted coconut flakes. The pie is chilled before serving, allowing the flavors to meld. It’s sweet and creamy with a distinct coconut flavor, and the toasted coconut adds a delightful crunch.

Key Lime Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

A Floridian favorite, key lime pie features a tangy filling made from key lime juice, sweetened condensed milk, and egg yolks. It’s poured into a graham cracker crust and baked until set, then chilled and topped with whipped cream. The pie is refreshingly tart and creamy, with a perfect balance of sweet and sour flavors. The graham cracker crust adds a buttery crunch.

Pecan Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Anna_Pustynnikova / Shutterstock

Pecan pie is a holiday classic with a rich, sweet filling made from pecans, eggs, sugar, and corn syrup. The mixture is poured into an unbaked pie crust and baked until the filling is set and the top is caramelized. The pie is known for its crunchy pecan topping and gooey, nutty filling. Each bite offers a delightful mix of textures and a deep, sweet flavor with a hint of nuttiness.

Blackberry Pie

Image Editorial Credit: pilipphoto / Shutterstock

Blackberry pie is a summer treat with a juicy, sweet filling made from fresh blackberries, sugar, and a bit of flour for thickening. The filling is encased in a double crust and baked until bubbly and golden brown. The berries become tender and syrupy, creating a rich, fruity filling. The pie is sweet and slightly tart, with a vibrant berry flavor and a flaky crust.

Rhubarb Pie

Image Editorial Credit: StockphotoVideo / Shutterstock

Rhubarb pie features a tart filling made from rhubarb, sugar, and a bit of flour. The filling is encased in a double crust and baked until the rhubarb is tender and the filling is thickened. The pie has a unique flavor, with the tartness of the rhubarb balanced by the sweetness of the sugar. It’s a refreshing and slightly tangy dessert with a crisp, flaky crust.

Pumpkin Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Elena Veselova / Shutterstock

Pumpkin pie is a Thanksgiving favorite with a creamy filling made from pumpkin puree, eggs, cream, and warm spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. The filling is poured into a pre-baked crust and baked until set. The pie is smooth and creamy, with a rich pumpkin flavor and a warming blend of spices. It’s sweet and aromatic, perfect for the holiday season.

Mincemeat Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

Mincemeat pie features a rich, spiced filling made from dried fruits, spices, and sometimes beef suet or meat. The mixture is encased in a double crust and baked until golden and bubbly. The pie has a deep, sweet, and slightly savory flavor, with a complex blend of spices and fruits. It’s a traditional holiday dessert with a unique and festive taste.

Blueberry Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Sea Wave / Shutterstock

Blueberry pie is a classic summer dessert with a juicy, sweet filling made from fresh blueberries, sugar, and a bit of cornstarch for thickening. The filling is encased in a double crust and baked until the blueberries are tender and the filling is bubbly. The pie is sweet and slightly tart, with a vibrant blueberry flavor and a flaky, buttery crust.

Banana Cream Pie

Image Editorial Credit: johnlck / Shutterstock

Banana cream pie features a rich, creamy filling made from bananas, milk, sugar, and cornstarch, topped with whipped cream. The filling is cooked until thickened, then poured into a pre-baked crust and chilled until set. The pie is sweet and creamy, with a smooth banana flavor and a light, fluffy topping. It’s a refreshing and indulgent dessert.

Apple Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Anna Fedorova_it / Shutterstock

Apple pie is an all-American classic with a filling made from sliced apples, sugar, cinnamon, and a bit of flour. The filling is encased in a double crust and baked until the apples are tender and the crust is golden brown. The pie is sweet and spiced, with a soft, juicy filling and a crisp, buttery crust. It’s a comforting and nostalgic dessert.

Chocolate Silk Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

Chocolate silk pie features a smooth, creamy filling made from chocolate, butter, sugar, and eggs, poured into a pre-baked crust and chilled until set. The pie is topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. It’s rich and indulgent, with a velvety chocolate texture and a light, fluffy topping. The flavor is deeply chocolatey and satisfying.

Cherry Almond Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Angelika Heine / Shutterstock

Cherry almond pie combines the flavors of sweet cherries and nutty almonds. The filling is made from pitted cherries, sugar, almond extract, and a bit of cornstarch for thickening. It’s encased in a double crust and baked until bubbly and golden. The pie is sweet and fruity, with a subtle almond flavor that complements the cherries. The crust is crisp and flaky, adding texture to the juicy filling.

Coconut Custard Pie

Image Editorial Credit: AnneRosukon / Shutterstock

Coconut custard pie features a creamy, custard-like filling made from coconut milk, eggs, sugar, and shredded coconut. The filling is poured into a pre-baked crust and baked until set. The pie is sweet and creamy, with a rich coconut flavor and a smooth, custardy texture. It’s a tropical and indulgent dessert, perfect for coconut lovers.

Raisin Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Raisin pie features a sweet, spiced filling made from plump raisins, sugar, and a bit of lemon juice for balance. The filling is encased in a double crust and baked until bubbly and golden brown. The raisins become tender and syrupy, creating a rich, fruity filling. The pie is sweet and aromatic, with a hint of spice and a crisp, buttery crust.

Butterscotch Pie

Image Editorial Credit: RCross / Shutterstock

Butterscotch pie features a rich, creamy filling made from brown sugar, butter, cream, and eggs, cooked until thickened. The filling is poured into a pre-baked crust and topped with whipped cream. The pie is sweet and creamy, with a deep, caramel-like flavor from the butterscotch. It’s a decadent and indulgent dessert.

Pear Pie

Image Editorial Credit: rom_olik / Shutterstock

Pear pie features a sweet and spiced filling made from ripe pears, sugar, and a bit of cinnamon. The filling is encased in a double crust and baked until the pears are tender and the filling is bubbly. The pie is sweet and aromatic, with a soft, juicy filling and a crisp, buttery crust. It’s a comforting and flavorful dessert.

Fig Pie

Image Editorial Credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock

Fig pie features a sweet and spiced filling made from fresh or dried figs, sugar, and a bit of cinnamon. The filling is encased in a double crust and baked until bubbly and golden brown. The figs become tender and syrupy, creating a rich, fruity filling. The pie is sweet and aromatic, with a hint of spice and a crisp, buttery crust.

This article originally appeared on RetailShout

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