The Best 15 Types Of Bread For Breakfast Sandwiches

Finding the perfect bread for your breakfast sandwich can make a huge difference in starting your day off right. Whether you like something soft and fluffy or crunchy and robust, the bread you choose sets the tone for your morning meal. Here’s a handy guide to some of the best breads that can level up your breakfast sandwich game.

English Muffin

Image Editorial Credit: Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

English muffins are a popular choice for breakfast sandwiches due to their chewy texture and slightly crisp exterior when toasted. They have a unique ability to hold up well under the weight of various fillings without becoming soggy. The nooks and crannies of an English muffin perfectly cradle melted butter and other spreads, enhancing the overall flavor. This bread pairs wonderfully with eggs, cheese, and meats like ham or sausage. Its mild flavor complements both sweet and savory fillings, making it versatile for breakfast creations. Additionally, English muffins are readily available and easy to prepare, making them a convenient option.

Sourdough Bread

Image Editorial Credit: kwanchai.c / Shutterstock

Sourdough bread is loved for its tangy flavor and hearty texture, making it a great choice for breakfast sandwiches. Its thick slices can support substantial fillings without falling apart. The fermentation process of sourdough adds a unique depth of flavor that pairs well with a variety of breakfast ingredients. Toasted sourdough provides a delightful crunch while maintaining a chewy interior. It’s also known for its nutritional benefits, including improved digestibility and gut health. This bread’s versatility allows it to be used in both classic and innovative breakfast sandwich recipes.


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Bagels are a breakfast staple that offers a dense, chewy texture ideal for hearty sandwiches. They come in a variety of flavors, from plain to everything, allowing for customization to suit any palate. When toasted, bagels provide a satisfying crunch that pairs well with soft fillings like eggs and cream cheese. Their robust nature ensures they can hold generous amounts of toppings without becoming overly messy. Bagels are especially popular for breakfast sandwiches featuring smoked salmon, capers, and red onions. Their availability in numerous varieties makes them a flexible choice for different sandwich styles.


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Brioche bread is known for its rich, buttery flavor and soft, pillowy texture, making it an indulgent option for breakfast sandwiches. The sweetness of brioche complements savory fillings, creating a balanced and delicious combination. Its light and airy structure holds up well to grilling or toasting, adding a slight crispness to the exterior. Brioche is perfect for breakfast sandwiches featuring eggs, cheese, and bacon or sausage. It’s also a great choice for more decadent options, like French toast sandwiches. This bread elevates the breakfast experience with its luxurious taste and texture.


Image Editorial Credit: AndreyYavorskiy / Shutterstock

Challah bread, with its slightly sweet flavor and fluffy texture, is an excellent choice for breakfast sandwiches. This traditional Jewish bread is often braided, giving it an appealing appearance and a light, airy interior. When toasted, challah becomes slightly crisp on the outside while remaining soft inside. Its subtle sweetness pairs well with savory fillings such as eggs, cheese, and deli meats. Challah is also ideal for making French toast sandwiches, adding an extra layer of flavor. Its versatility and delightful texture make it a popular option for a variety of breakfast sandwich recipes.


Image Editorial Credit: P Maxwell Photography / Shutterstock

Biscuits are a Southern favorite for breakfast sandwiches, offering a flaky, buttery texture that is both comforting and satisfying. They are sturdy enough to hold hearty fillings like fried chicken, sausage, and eggs without falling apart. The layers in a biscuit create a unique texture that enhances the overall eating experience. Their rich flavor pairs well with both savory and sweet toppings, making them versatile for different types of sandwiches. Biscuits can be homemade or store-bought, providing flexibility in preparation. Their distinct taste and texture make them a beloved choice for breakfast sandwiches.


Image Editorial Credit: New Africa / Shutterstock

Croissants, with their flaky, buttery layers, add a touch of elegance to breakfast sandwiches. They have a light, airy texture that contrasts beautifully with rich fillings like ham, cheese, and eggs. When toasted, croissants develop a slight crispness that enhances their flavor and structure. Their delicate texture requires careful handling but rewards with a melt-in-your-mouth experience. Croissants are particularly popular for gourmet breakfast sandwiches, offering a sophisticated twist on traditional options. Their distinctive taste and texture make them a standout choice for those looking to elevate their breakfast.


Image Editorial Credit: Antonio Gravante / Shutterstock

Ciabatta bread is known for its open crumb structure and slightly chewy texture, making it a robust choice for breakfast sandwiches. Its airy interior and crisp crust hold up well to a variety of fillings, from eggs and bacon to vegetables and spreads. The neutral flavor of ciabatta allows the sandwich ingredients to shine, enhancing the overall taste experience. Toasting ciabatta adds a satisfying crunch that complements its chewy interior. This bread is ideal for those who prefer a hearty, rustic sandwich. Its versatility and durability make it a reliable choice for breakfast.

Kaiser Roll

Image Editorial Credit: PratchayapornK / Shutterstock

Kaiser rolls are characterized by their round shape, crisp crust, and soft, fluffy interior, making them a popular choice for breakfast sandwiches. They are sturdy enough to hold substantial fillings without becoming soggy. The neutral flavor of a Kaiser roll allows the ingredients to be the star of the sandwich. When toasted, they develop a pleasant crunch that enhances the overall texture. Kaiser rolls are versatile and can accommodate a wide range of breakfast fillings, from traditional egg and cheese to more elaborate combinations. Their classic appeal and reliable structure make them a favorite.

Whole Wheat Bread

Image Editorial Credit: Miti74 / Shutterstock

Whole wheat bread is a nutritious choice for breakfast sandwiches, offering a hearty texture and a mild, nutty flavor. It is made from whole grains, providing more fiber and nutrients than white bread. Whole wheat bread is sturdy enough to support various fillings, from eggs and avocado to lean meats and vegetables. Toasting enhances its flavor and adds a slight crunch, making it more enjoyable. This bread is ideal for those looking for a healthier option without sacrificing taste. Its versatility and nutritional benefits make it a popular choice for breakfast sandwiches.


Image Editorial Credit: Ermak Oksana / Shutterstock

Focaccia is a flat Italian bread known for its rich flavor and chewy texture, making it an excellent base for breakfast sandwiches. It is often infused with olive oil and herbs, adding an extra layer of flavor to the sandwich. Focaccia’s sturdy structure can hold generous fillings without becoming soggy. Its soft, airy interior contrasts nicely with its slightly crisp exterior, providing a delightful eating experience. This bread pairs well with a variety of ingredients, from eggs and cheese to roasted vegetables and meats. Focaccia’s unique taste and texture make it a gourmet choice for breakfast.


Image Editorial Credit: Milenova Elena / Shutterstock

Pita bread is a versatile option for breakfast sandwiches, offering a pocket that can be filled with various ingredients. Its soft, chewy texture makes it enjoyable to eat, while its neutral flavor allows the fillings to stand out. Pita is ideal for holding scrambled eggs, vegetables, and spreads, making it a healthy and convenient choice. Toasting pita adds a slight crispness that enhances its texture. This bread is particularly popular for those looking for a lighter, yet satisfying breakfast option. Its adaptability and ease of use make it a practical choice for quick, nutritious sandwiches.

Multigrain Bread

Image Editorial Credit: Lysenko Andrii / Shutterstock

Multigrain bread is a wholesome choice for breakfast sandwiches, combining the benefits of various grains into one loaf. It offers a complex flavor profile with a slightly nutty taste and a hearty texture. This bread is packed with nutrients, providing a healthy start to the day. Its dense structure holds up well to a variety of fillings, from eggs and cheese to fresh vegetables and lean meats. Toasting multigrain bread enhances its flavor and adds a satisfying crunch. Its health benefits and robust flavor make it a popular choice for nutritious breakfast sandwiches.


Image Editorial Credit: New Africa / Shutterstock

Tortillas are a flexible option for breakfast sandwiches, offering a soft, pliable wrap for various fillings. They are easy to handle and can be quickly toasted or grilled for added flavor. Tortillas are perfect for holding scrambled eggs, beans, cheese, and vegetables, making them a versatile choice. Their mild flavor complements a wide range of ingredients, from traditional breakfast items to more creative combinations. Tortillas are particularly popular for breakfast burritos, providing a convenient and portable option. Their adaptability and ease of use make them a favorite for on-the-go breakfasts.

Potato Bread

Image Editorial Credit: Cesarz / Shutterstock

Potato bread offers a unique twist on traditional sandwich bread with its soft, moist texture and slightly sweet flavor. It is made with potato flour, which adds extra moisture and a tender crumb. This bread holds up well to various fillings, from eggs and bacon to avocado and cheese. Toasting potato bread enhances its flavor and adds a slight crispness, making it more enjoyable. Its distinctive taste and texture set it apart from other bread options, providing a delightful change for breakfast sandwiches. Potato bread’s versatility and unique characteristics make it a standout choice.

This article originally appeared on RetailShout

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