The 15 Best Cereals You Should Try, Ranked

Breakfast cereals are a staple in many households, loved by kids and adults alike. Whether you’re a fan of something sweet, crunchy, or packed with fiber, there’s a cereal out there for everyone. We’ve taken a deep dive into the cereal aisle to bring you a ranked list of the best cereals out there.

15. Kellogg’s Rice Krispies

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Rice Krispies are a classic cereal known for their simple and light texture. Made from puffed rice, they produce a distinctive “snap, crackle, and pop” sound when milk is added. This cereal is low in sugar and calories, making it a healthier option compared to many others on this list. Rice Krispies are often used as a base for homemade treats like Rice Krispies squares. While they may be considered bland on their own, they pair well with fresh fruit or a sprinkle of sugar. Fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, Rice Krispies provide a nutritious start to the day.

14. Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats are known for their sweet, sugary frosting that contrasts with the shredded wheat base. This cereal offers a good amount of dietary fiber, making it a filling breakfast option. It tends to hold up well in milk, retaining its texture longer than many other cereals. Despite the sugar content, it is a popular choice for those looking for a balance of taste and nutrition. Frosted Mini-Wheats are also fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, contributing to overall health. However, its high sugar content may be a concern for health-conscious consumers.

13. Cap’n Crunch

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Cap’n Crunch is a classic cereal loved for its crunchy texture and sweet flavor. It is well-known for its signature yellow squares that stay crunchy in milk. The cereal has been a breakfast staple for decades, appealing especially to children with its fun pirate theme. However, it has a high sugar content and lacks significant nutritional benefits. The brand has introduced various flavors over the years, but the original remains the most popular. Despite its sugary profile, many people enjoy Cap’n Crunch as an occasional treat or snack.

12. Lucky Charms

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Lucky Charms are famous for their colorful marshmallow shapes mixed with toasted oat pieces. The marshmallows add a fun, whimsical element to breakfast, making it a favorite among kids. Nutritionally, it is fortified with vitamins and minerals, but it also contains a high amount of sugar. The cereal has a nostalgic appeal, often reminding adults of their childhood breakfasts. Over the years, Lucky Charms has introduced various limited-edition marshmallow shapes to keep the cereal exciting. While it’s not the healthiest option, it’s a beloved treat for many.

11. Kellogg’s Froot Loops

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Froot Loops are recognized by their vibrant, multicolored rings and fruity flavor. Each color of loop ostensibly represents a different fruit flavor, though in reality, they all taste the same. The cereal is fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, offering some nutritional benefits despite its high sugar content. Froot Loops are a popular choice for a quick and tasty breakfast, especially among children. The loops maintain their crunch in milk, providing a satisfying texture. Its bright colors and sweet taste make it a fun breakfast option, though not the healthiest.

10. Great Value Bran Flakes

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Great Value Bran Flakes are a high-fiber cereal option that promotes digestive health. Made from wheat bran, this cereal offers a hearty and nutritious start to the day. It is low in sugar and provides a good source of essential nutrients like iron and vitamins. Bran Flakes can be somewhat bland on their own but pair well with fresh fruit or a sprinkle of honey. They soften quickly in milk, making them easier to eat for those who prefer a softer cereal. Bran Flakes are a solid choice for those looking for a healthy and filling breakfast option.

9. Apple Jacks

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Apple Jacks are known for their distinctive apple and cinnamon flavor combination. The cereal pieces are green and orange, adding a colorful touch to breakfast. Despite its fruity name, Apple Jacks contains more sugar than actual fruit content. It is fortified with vitamins and minerals, offering some nutritional benefits. The cereal stays relatively crunchy in milk, making for a satisfying eating experience. While it is popular among children, its high sugar content makes it a less desirable choice for health-conscious individuals. Nonetheless, its unique flavor keeps it a beloved option for many.

8. Cinnamon Toast Crunch

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Cinnamon Toast Crunch is a favorite for its sweet and cinnamon-flavored squares. Each piece is coated with a blend of sugar and cinnamon, providing a burst of flavor in every bite. The cereal is fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, contributing to its nutritional profile. It remains crunchy in milk, giving a pleasant texture contrast. The sweet milk left behind is often considered a bonus treat. While it is not the healthiest cereal due to its high sugar content, its delicious taste makes it a popular choice for both kids and adults.

7. Cocoa Puffs

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Cocoa Puffs are a chocolate lover’s delight, turning milk into a rich chocolatey treat. The cereal consists of small, round chocolate-flavored puffs that stay crunchy in milk. It is fortified with vitamins and minerals, adding some nutritional value. The intense chocolate flavor makes it a popular choice for those with a sweet tooth. Despite its high sugar content, many people enjoy Cocoa Puffs as an indulgent breakfast or snack. The cereal has a nostalgic appeal, often reminding people of their childhood mornings.

6. Post Fruity Pebbles

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Post Fruity Pebbles are brightly colored rice cereal flakes with a fruity flavor. Each bite delivers a burst of fruitiness, making it a fun and tasty breakfast option. The cereal is fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, contributing to its nutritional profile. Fruity Pebbles soften quickly in milk, which some people prefer while others do not. Its vibrant colors and sweet taste appeal to children, though the high sugar content is a drawback. Despite this, Fruity Pebbles remains a popular choice for many due to its unique flavor and fun appearance.

5. Cocoa Pebbles

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Cocoa Pebbles offer a rich chocolate flavor similar to Cocoa Puffs but in flake form. The cereal turns milk into chocolate milk, which many consider an added treat. Cocoa Pebbles are fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, providing some nutritional benefits. They tend to soften quickly in milk, which can be a downside for those who prefer a crunchier cereal. Despite its high sugar content, the deep chocolate flavor makes it a favorite among chocolate lovers. Cocoa Pebbles are often enjoyed not just for breakfast but also as a snack.

4. Honey Nut Cheerios

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Honey Nut Cheerios combine the heart-healthy benefits of oats with a sweet honey and almond flavor. The cereal is lower in sugar compared to many other sweetened cereals, making it a healthier choice. It is fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, contributing to overall nutrition. Honey Nut Cheerios have a satisfying crunch that holds up well in milk. This cereal appeals to both adults and children, making it a versatile breakfast option. Its balance of taste and nutrition has made it a long-standing favorite.

3. Reese’s Puffs

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Reese’s Puffs bring the iconic flavor combination of chocolate and peanut butter to breakfast. The cereal consists of small, crunchy puffs that deliver a burst of flavor in every bite. It is fortified with vitamins and minerals, providing some nutritional value. Despite its high sugar content, the unique taste makes it a popular choice for many. Reese’s Puffs are a favorite among both children and adults who enjoy the chocolate-peanut butter combo. The cereal stays relatively crunchy in milk, offering a satisfying texture.

2. Post Honey Bunches of Oats

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Honey Bunches of Oats is a versatile cereal that combines crispy flakes, crunchy oat clusters, and a touch of honey. It is fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, making it a nutritious breakfast option. The cereal offers a good balance of sweetness and crunch, appealing to a wide audience. Honey Bunches of Oats is available in various flavors, adding to its versatility. The mix of textures makes it a satisfying and enjoyable cereal. It is a popular choice for those looking for a balanced and tasty breakfast.

1. Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes are a classic cereal known for their sweet, frosted corn flakes. The cereal is fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, contributing to its nutritional value. It offers a satisfying crunch that holds up well in milk. Frosted Flakes have been a breakfast staple for generations, appealing to both children and adults. Despite its high sugar content, the simple yet delicious flavor makes it a favorite. The cereal’s iconic mascot, Tony the Tiger, adds to its enduring popularity.

This article originally appeared on RetailShout

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