13 Rice Additions You Probably Never Thought Of

Rice is one of those ingredients that we all love because it’s so versatile and easy to make. But let’s be honest, plain rice can get pretty boring after a while. That’s why I’ve put together a list of some amazing additions you probably never thought of. These ingredients will take your rice from basic to brilliant, adding flavors and textures you never imagined.

Orange Juice

Image Editorial Credit: Brett Hondow / Shutterstock

Using orange juice in place of water adds a citrusy twist to your rice. The natural sweetness and tanginess of the juice can balance savory dishes, enhancing the overall flavor profile. It’s especially effective in dishes with seafood or poultry. The acid from the orange juice also helps to tenderize any meat that accompanies the rice. For an added touch, zest the orange and mix it into the cooked rice. This technique brings a vibrant color and a fresh aroma to your dish.

Coconut Milk

Image Editorial Credit: Inna Dodor / Shutterstock

Coconut milk can transform plain rice into a rich and creamy side dish. It’s a staple in many Southeast Asian and Caribbean cuisines. The milk’s natural fats infuse the rice with a subtle sweetness and a luxurious texture. It pairs well with spicy dishes, balancing out the heat with its cooling effect. For extra flavor, consider adding shredded coconut or a bit of lime zest. The result is a fragrant, tropical rice that can stand alone or complement various entrees.

Miso Soup

Image Editorial Credit: SherSor / Shutterstock

Replacing some of the cooking water with miso soup introduces a savory umami flavor to your rice. Miso, a fermented soybean paste, adds depth and complexity. This method is great for enhancing the taste of vegetarian and vegan dishes. The saltiness of the miso also means you might not need to add extra salt. Combine with vegetables like edamame or mushrooms for a complete meal. The result is a hearty, flavorful rice that’s perfect for a variety of dishes.

Achiote Paste

Image Editorial Credit: Luis Echeverri Urrea / Shutterstock

Achiote paste, made from annatto seeds, gives rice a vibrant red color and a unique earthy flavor. It’s commonly used in Latin American cuisine, particularly in dishes from Mexico and the Caribbean. Mixing achiote paste into the cooking water infuses the rice with a slightly peppery and nutty taste. This addition works well in dishes with beans, grilled meats, or seafood. The bold color and flavor make the rice a standout component of any meal.


Image Editorial Credit: tyasindayanti / Shutterstock

Adding eggs to rice can create a hearty and protein-rich dish. Scramble the eggs separately and then mix them into the cooked rice, or cook the eggs directly in the same pot for a more integrated texture. This method is common in fried rice recipes but can be used for plain steamed rice as well. The eggs add a richness and help bind the rice together. Season with soy sauce, green onions, and a touch of sesame oil for a quick and satisfying meal.


Image Editorial Credit: focal point / Shutterstock

A splash of vinegar can brighten the flavor of rice and add a slight tang. This method is especially popular in sushi rice, where rice vinegar is used to season the grains. The acidity of the vinegar balances out richer ingredients and can help cut through fatty foods. Use it in small amounts to avoid overpowering the dish. For added complexity, mix in a bit of sugar and salt to create a balanced seasoning. This technique results in a flavorful, slightly sticky rice perfect for sushi or as a side dish.


Image Editorial Credit: Fabiano musial / Shutterstock

Incorporating cheese into rice makes for a creamy and indulgent dish. Parmesan, cheddar, or even mozzarella can be melted into the rice, creating a comforting and savory meal. This technique is akin to making a risotto but can be done with any type of rice. The cheese adds a rich flavor and creamy texture, making the rice a substantial side dish. It pairs well with vegetables, chicken, or beef. For extra flavor, mix in some garlic or herbs like basil or thyme.

Nuts and Seeds

Image Editorial Credit: 5PH / Shutterstock

Mixing nuts and seeds into rice can add a delightful crunch and boost the nutritional value. Almonds, pine nuts, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds are all great choices. Toast the nuts and seeds before adding them to enhance their flavor. This addition works particularly well in pilafs and salads. The combination of textures makes the rice more interesting and satisfying. Nuts and seeds also add healthy fats and proteins, making the rice a more balanced meal.

Dried Fruits

Image Editorial Credit: Nataly Studio / Shutterstock

Adding dried fruits like raisins, apricots, or cranberries introduces a sweet and chewy element to rice. This technique is popular in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisines. The natural sugars in the fruits caramelize slightly during cooking, adding depth to the flavor. Pair dried fruits with spices like cinnamon or cardamom for a fragrant and aromatic dish. This addition works well in both savory and sweet dishes, making the rice versatile and exciting.

Broth or Stock

Image Editorial Credit: nelea33 / Shutterstock

Using broth or stock instead of water infuses the rice with additional flavor from the outset. Chicken, beef, vegetable, or mushroom broths are all good options. This technique is especially useful in dishes where the rice is a prominent component, such as pilafs or casseroles. The broth adds a depth of flavor that water cannot provide, making the rice more savory and rich. For added complexity, simmer the broth with herbs and spices before adding it to the rice.


Image Editorial Credit: Proxima Studio / Shutterstock

Incorporating a variety of spices into rice can transform its flavor profile dramatically. Turmeric, cumin, saffron, and paprika are all excellent choices. These spices add color, aroma, and a burst of flavor. Toast the spices in a bit of oil before adding the rice to release their essential oils and enhance their potency. This method is common in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines. The result is a vibrant, flavorful rice that can stand alone or complement a wide range of dishes.


Image Editorial Credit: MaraZe / Shutterstock

Mixing in sauces like soy sauce, fish sauce, or sriracha can quickly elevate the flavor of rice. Soy sauce adds a salty umami flavor, fish sauce brings a pungent and savory note, and sriracha provides a spicy kick. These sauces are particularly effective in fried rice or stir-fries but can be used with steamed rice as well. Adjust the amount based on your taste preference. The sauces can also add moisture to the rice, making it more cohesive and flavorful.


Image Editorial Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Fresh herbs like cilantro, parsley, dill, or basil can add a burst of freshness and aroma to rice. Stir the herbs in just before serving to retain their vibrant color and flavor. This addition is perfect for lightening up heavier dishes and adding a refreshing element. Herbs can also be paired with other ingredients like lemon zest or garlic for added complexity. This technique results in a fragrant, flavorful rice that enhances any meal.

This article originally appeared on RetailShout

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