The 10 Most Annoying Tipping Habits Waiters, Baristas and Bartenders Deal With

It’s pretty wild how these small things we might not think about can really ruin waiters’, baristas’, and bartenders’ days and even their paychecks. They often deal with some really frustrating tipping habits from customers. This article dives into the top annoyances. It’s a real eye-opener into what our everyday heroes in cafes and bars go through. Let’s take a look at what makes their job tougher, and see why it’s worth rethinking how we tip! It may seem small but can really impact the people serving us our favorite drinks and meals.

Ignoring Tip Standards

Image Editorial Credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock

Many customers overlook the standard tipping guidelines of 15%-20% for servers and $1-$2 per drink for bartenders. This lack of adherence can substantially reduce the income of these workers, who often rely on tips to make a living wage.

Tipping Based on Mood

Image Editorial Credit: Lysenko Andrii / Shutterstock

It’s frustrating when patrons base their tips on their mood rather than the service quality. Employees feel unfairly penalized for factors beyond their control, such as kitchen delays or personal issues the customer might be facing.

The No-Tip on Card Scenario

Image Editorial Credit: Pheelings media / Shutterstock

Some customers avoid tipping on card transactions, possibly to evade the appearance of a smaller tip. This forces waitstaff and bartenders to depend on less reliable cash tips, which may not come at all.

Coin Tipping

Image Editorial Credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock

Dropping a handful of coins as a tip is often seen as disrespectful. It suggests a lack of appreciation for the service provided, as handling coins is more cumbersome and perceived as less valuable.

Waiting to Tip Until Called Out

Image Editorial Credit: DC Studio / Shutterstock

When customers wait to be prompted or reminded about tipping, it places service staff in an uncomfortable position. They must balance the need for proper compensation with the risk of appearing pushy or greedy.

Tip Credit Confusion

Image Editorial Credit: DC Studio / Shutterstock

Some patrons are unaware that many servers are paid a lower minimum wage, assuming that tips are extra rather than essential for a living wage. This misconception leads to inadequate tipping that fails to make up the wage gap.

Overly Specific Tip Adjustments

Image Editorial Credit: Lysenko Andrii / Shutterstock

Adjusting tips down to the penny for minor issues can be particularly demoralizing. It communicates an overly critical view of service that diminishes the value of the worker’s efforts.

Excessive Complaining Instead of Tipping

Image Editorial Credit: Tirachard Kumtanom / Shutterstock

Complaining excessively about minor issues without leaving a tip is a common annoyance. It implies that the service was inadequate without offering a financial gesture to reflect truly poor service.

Tipping Only the Minimum

Image Editorial Credit: Lysenko Andrii / Shutterstock

Regularly tipping the bare minimum, regardless of the level of service, can be disheartening. It suggests a lack of recognition for exceptional service, reducing motivation among staff.

Conditional Tipping

Image Editorial Credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock

Some customers hold tips as leverage to demand excessive service or special treatment beyond what is customary. This manipulative tactic creates a hostile environment and undue stress for workers.

This article originally appeared on RetailShout

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