10 Foods That You Should Never Put In An Air Fryer

Air fryers have become a kitchen staple, offering a healthier way to enjoy fried foods. However, not everything is suited for this popular appliance. Some foods can create a mess, damage your air fryer, or simply turn out poorly. Here are ten foods you should avoid putting in your air fryer to ensure both delicious results and the longevity of your machine.


Image Editorial Credit: serezniy / DepositPhotos

Cheese can melt into a sticky, gooey mess in your air fryer. This can cause significant mess and is difficult to clean up. If you want to enjoy cheese, consider using it in a more solid form or coated in a batter that can hold it together. Avoid placing plain cheese directly in the air fryer to prevent these issues.

Wet Batter

Image Editorial Credit: raikhel / DepositPhotos

Wet batter won’t set properly in an air fryer and will drip through the basket. This results in a messy interior and uneven cooking. Instead, opt for pre-breaded items or use a thicker coating that can stay intact. This will ensure your food turns out crispy and delicious without the hassle.

Fresh Greens

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Fresh greens like spinach or kale can be too light and airy for an air fryer. They may fly around due to the high-speed fan, leading to uneven cooking and potential burning. Stick to sturdier vegetables that can handle the air fryer’s environment. This will give you better results and save you from picking up stray greens.

Whole Roasts

Image Editorial Credit: ppi09 / DepositPhotos

Whole roasts are often too large for an air fryer and won’t cook evenly. This can lead to parts being overcooked while others remain underdone. Instead, cut your roast into smaller pieces that can cook more uniformly. This approach ensures a well-cooked and flavorful meal.


Image Editorial Credit: Sasajo / DepositPhotos

Toast might seem like a simple food to put in an air fryer, but it can turn out too dry and hard. The high-speed fan can also blow the lightweight bread around, leading to uneven toasting. Use a traditional toaster for the best results. This will give you perfectly crisp toast without the hassle.


Image Editorial Credit: serezniy / DepositPhotos

Rice requires a specific amount of moisture to cook properly, which an air fryer can’t provide. Trying to cook rice in an air fryer will result in hard, undercooked grains. Stick to a rice cooker or stovetop method for fluffy, well-cooked rice. This ensures your rice is delicious and properly prepared.


Image Editorial Credit: serezniy / DepositPhotos

Popcorn needs even, consistent heat to pop properly, which an air fryer doesn’t supply. Attempting to pop popcorn in an air fryer can lead to uneven popping and burnt kernels. Use a microwave or stovetop popper for the best results. This will give you fluffy, fully popped popcorn without the risk.

Saucy Foods

Image Editorial Credit: AndreySt / DepositPhotos

Saucy foods can create a mess in your air fryer, dripping through the basket and causing a sticky residue. The circulating air can also splatter the sauce, making cleanup difficult. Stick to foods with minimal or no sauce for a smoother cooking experience. This will keep your air fryer cleaner and your food well-cooked.

Breaded Fish

Image Editorial Credit: ajafoto / DepositPhotos

Breaded fish can be tricky in an air fryer as the coating can stick to the basket. This can cause the breading to peel off and create a mess. If you want to air fry fish, use a non-stick spray or a parchment liner to prevent sticking. This helps maintain the breading and keeps your fish intact.


Image Editorial Credit: genious2000de / DepositPhotos

Pasta needs to be boiled in water to cook properly, which an air fryer can’t accommodate. Placing uncooked pasta in an air fryer will result in a hard, inedible product. Cook your pasta on the stovetop or use a traditional oven for baked pasta dishes. This ensures your pasta is cooked to perfection.

This article originally appeared on RetailShout.

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