15 Everyday Foods You’ve Been Storing Incorrectly

You might be surprised to learn that many common foods are often stored incorrectly. This can lead to quicker spoilage, a loss of flavor, and wasted money. From fruits and vegetables to bread and dairy, each type of food has its ideal storage method. Proper storage techniques can make a significant difference in maintaining freshness and taste. Let’s explore some common foods you’ve likely been storing all wrong and discover how to keep them fresh and tasty for longer.


Image Editorial Credit: drdigitaldesign / shutterstock.com

Storing tomatoes in the fridge might seem like a good idea, but it dulls their flavor and makes them mealy. Tomatoes thrive when kept at room temperature, ideally on your countertop where they can breathe. Make sure to keep them out of direct sunlight to prevent them from over-ripening too quickly. Once they’re fully ripe, you can pop them in the fridge to extend their freshness for a few extra days.


Image Editorial Credit: Avocado_studio / shutterstock.com

Potatoes should never be stored in the fridge because the cold converts their starch into sugar, resulting in an unpleasant sweet taste. The ideal place for potatoes is in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated area like a pantry. Avoid keeping them near onions, as onions emit gases that can cause potatoes to spoil faster. Using a paper or mesh bag will help maintain the right environment for them to stay fresh longer.


Image Editorial Credit: Kritchai7752 / shutterstock.com

Refrigerating bread causes it to dry out and become stale much faster than at room temperature. To keep your bread soft and fresh, store it in a bread box or a paper bag at room temperature. If you have more bread than you can consume in a few days, consider freezing it. Slice the loaf beforehand so you can easily thaw only what you need.


Image Editorial Credit: Serhii Khrystenko / shutterstock.com

Storing onions in the fridge can make them soft and lead to mold growth due to moisture. Onions do best in a cool, dry, and dark place with good air circulation, such as a pantry. Avoid storing them in plastic bags, which trap moisture and promote spoilage. Instead, use a mesh bag or a loosely woven basket to allow air to circulate.


Image Editorial Credit: KristinaSh / shutterstock.com

Garlic needs proper ventilation to stay fresh, so storing it in an airtight container or the refrigerator is not ideal. Keep garlic bulbs in a cool, dark place with good airflow, like a hanging basket or a paper bag. Once you break a bulb, try to use the individual cloves within a few days. This method helps maintain their robust flavor and texture.


Image Editorial Credit: Ilja Generalov / shutterstock.com

Coffee beans and grounds should be stored in an airtight container at room temperature. Refrigerating or freezing coffee can cause condensation, which affects the flavor negatively. Place your coffee in a dark, cool spot like a pantry or cupboard to preserve its rich aroma and taste. This storage method ensures your coffee stays fresh for longer periods.


Image Editorial Credit: Subbotina Anna / shutterstock.com

Honey should never be refrigerated because the cold causes it to crystallize and become hard to use. The best way to store honey is in a tightly sealed jar at room temperature. Keep it in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight to prevent degradation. Properly stored honey can last indefinitely without spoiling or losing its quality.


Image Editorial Credit: Krasula / shutterstock.com

Unripe avocados should be left at room temperature to ripen naturally. Once they’re ripe, you can store them in the fridge to slow down further ripening. If you have a half avocado, leave the pit in and wrap it tightly with plastic wrap before refrigerating. This simple step helps prevent browning and keeps the avocado fresh longer.


Image Editorial Credit: Evgeny Karandaev / shutterstock.com

While apples can be stored at room temperature for a short period, they stay fresh much longer in the fridge. For optimal freshness, place them in the crisper drawer in a plastic bag with holes for ventilation. Avoid storing apples with other fruits and vegetables, as they emit ethylene gas which speeds up ripening. This method helps keep them crisp and tasty for several weeks.


Image Editorial Credit: Mr.thongchai thong-in / shutterstock.com

Bananas should be stored at room temperature, as refrigeration causes their skin to turn brown. To slow down the ripening process, you can wrap the stems with plastic wrap. If they become overripe, peel and freeze them for later use in smoothies or baking. This approach reduces waste and preserves their natural sweetness for future enjoyment.


Image Editorial Credit: New Africa / shutterstock.com

Berries are delicate and should be stored in the fridge, but only wash them just before eating. Moisture speeds up spoilage, so keep them dry in their original container or a paper towel-lined bowl. For longer storage, spread them out on a baking sheet to freeze, then transfer them to a sealed bag. This prevents clumping and makes them easy to use in recipes.


Image Editorial Credit: sweet marshmallow / shutterstock.com

Cheese should be wrapped in wax paper or parchment paper instead of plastic wrap. This allows the cheese to breathe and prevents it from becoming too moist or moldy. Store it in the fridge in a designated cheese drawer or a loosely closed container. Proper storage helps maintain its flavor and texture.

Leafy Greens

Image Editorial Credit: Olivier Tabary / shutterstock.com

Leafy greens can wilt quickly if not stored correctly. After washing and drying them thoroughly, store them in a plastic bag with a paper towel to absorb excess moisture. Place the bag in the fridge’s crisper drawer. This method keeps them fresh and crisp for a longer period.


Image Editorial Credit: NP27 / shutterstock.com

Eggs are best stored in their original carton in the fridge, not in the door. The door’s temperature fluctuates too much, which can affect their freshness. Keeping them in the carton also prevents them from absorbing strong odors from other foods. This helps to maintain their quality and safety.


Image Editorial Credit: Nik Merkulov / shutterstock.com

Chocolate can develop a white film, known as “bloom,” when stored in the fridge due to moisture and temperature changes. The best way to store chocolate is in a cool, dry place at room temperature. If you need to refrigerate it, wrap it tightly to minimize moisture exposure. Proper storage keeps chocolate looking and tasting its best.

This article originally appeared on RetailShout.

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