21 Cleaning Hacks You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

If you’re always looking for smarter ways to keep your home clean, you’ll love these hacks that are both practical and easy. Whether it’s deodorizing your fridge with coffee or cleaning your microwave with citrus, you’ll discover simple methods that save time and effort. Get ready to clean like a pro with these awesome hacks you’ll wish you knew sooner!

Clean a Cutting Board with Lemon

Image Editorial Credit: New Africa / Shutterstock

For stubborn stains and lingering odors on your cutting board, rub a halved lemon across its surface after sprinkling coarse salt. The lemon’s natural acidity will lift stains and sanitize. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes before rinsing. This method leaves your board fresh and ready for its next use.

Use Salt to Clean a Messy Oven

Image Editorial Credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock

When your oven floor is a disaster, sprinkle coarse salt on the spills immediately. The salt will help break down grease and food particles once the oven cools down. After a short while, wipe up the mess with a damp cloth. This quick fix can help reduce cleaning time later.

Use Vinegar to Clean the Gunk Around a Faucet

Image Editorial Credit: Diego Cervo / Shutterstock

Mineral deposits around the base of your faucet are no match for vinegar. Soak paper towels in vinegar and wrap them around the faucet base for an hour. Afterward, scrub with an old toothbrush to remove any remaining buildup. Rinse with water for a gleaming finish.

Deodorize Your Refrigerator with Coffee

Image Editorial Credit: Ta_O_o / Shutterstock

Stale smells in your fridge can be neutralized with used coffee grounds. Place a bowl of dry grounds on a shelf and leave it for several days. The coffee will absorb and eliminate odors naturally. This eco-friendly solution will leave your fridge smelling fresh.

Olive Oil Hack for Stainless Steel

Image Editorial Credit: FotoDuets / Shutterstock

To restore the shine of your stainless steel appliances, use a few drops of olive oil. Dab it onto a microfiber cloth and buff in the direction of the grain. The oil acts as a polish and protects the surface from fingerprints. Your appliances will look polished and spotless.

Use a Dryer Sheet to Clean a Casserole Dish

Image Editorial Credit: Happy_Nati / Shutterstock

Stuck-on food in your casserole dish can be loosened with a dryer sheet. Place the sheet in the dish with warm water and let it soak for an hour. The anti-static chemicals will weaken the food particles, making them easy to wipe away. Rinse well before use.

Clean the Microwave with Citrus

Image Editorial Credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock

Squeeze lemon juice into a baking dish with water and place it in the oven at 250°F. The steam will loosen grease and grime. Once cooled, wipe down the interior with a sponge. This method leaves your microwave smelling zesty and looking clean.

Use an Old Electric Toothbrush to Scrub Hard-to-Reach Places in the Kitchen

Image Editorial Credit: VVVproduct / Shutterstock

That old electric toothbrush can help reach tight spaces like around sink faucets and stove burners. Apply some baking soda paste to the brush head and scrub away the grime. Its oscillating bristles dislodge stubborn residue with ease. A quick rinse afterward will reveal a spotless finish.

Clean a Can Opener with Waxed Paper

Image Editorial Credit: object_photo / Shutterstock

To maintain a can opener’s efficiency, run a sheet of waxed paper through the blades. This technique helps clear debris while also lubricating the cutting surface. The opener will glide through cans with less effort. It’s a simple yet effective way to prolong your opener’s lifespan.

Clear Floor Grout with Toilet Cleaner

Image Editorial Credit: Serenethos / Shutterstock

A toilet cleaner with bleach can restore your floor grout’s original color. Apply the cleaner along the grout lines and let it sit for 10 minutes. Scrub gently with a brush and rinse. The bleach will remove mold and stains, leaving the grout bright and clean.

Use Coconut Oil as Polish

Image Editorial Credit: progressman / Shutterstock

Coconut oil can be an excellent natural polish for wooden furniture. Apply a small amount to a cloth and rub it into the wood in circular motions. The oil nourishes and adds a lustrous sheen. It’s a non-toxic alternative that also helps repel dust.

Vinegar in Your Coffee Maker

Image Editorial Credit: Studio KIWI / Shutterstock

To keep your coffee maker functioning well, run a cycle with vinegar instead of water. This will descale and disinfect the internal components. Once done, run several cycles with fresh water to rinse out the vinegar. Your coffee will taste fresher, and the machine will last longer.

Use Vinegar, Water, and Baking Soda to Clean a Burnt Pan

Image Editorial Credit: larisa Stefanjuk / Shutterstock

Fill your burnt pan with water and vinegar and bring it to a boil. After a few minutes, remove the pan from the heat and add baking soda. Once cooled, scrub the pan to lift burnt residues. This mixture makes it easier to restore your pan’s original shine.

Unclog Your Air Vents

Image Editorial Credit: Serenethos / Shutterstock

Air vents accumulate dust and reduce airflow over time. Remove the covers and soak them in warm, soapy water. Use a brush to scrub away dust buildup. Dry them thoroughly before reinstalling to keep your home’s air circulation clean and efficient.

Unblock a Clogged Drain

Image Editorial Credit: GetFocus / Shutterstock

For slow-moving drains, pour a mix of baking soda and vinegar down the drain, followed by boiling water. This bubbling reaction breaks down grease and food particles clogging the pipes. Let it sit for a few minutes, then flush with more boiling water.

Clean a Sponge with Vinegar

Image Editorial Credit: nadia_if / Shutterstock

To extend a sponge’s life, soak it in a cup of vinegar for several minutes. The vinegar kills bacteria and deodorizes. Rinse thoroughly afterward, and your sponge will be ready for more cleaning tasks. This simple trick reduces waste and ensures better hygiene.

Make Your Blender Clean Itself

Image Editorial Credit: SeventyFour / Shutterstock

After using your blender, fill it halfway with warm water and add a few drops of dish soap. Run it on high for a minute to remove residue. Rinse well afterward for a spotless blender. This method keeps the blades and jug sparkling with minimal effort.

Get Rid of Grease Stains Using Alcohol and Salt

Image Editorial Credit: HalynaRom / Shutterstock

If your clothes suffer from grease stains, rub the affected area with salt and isopropyl alcohol. Let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly. The salt absorbs the grease, and the alcohol breaks it down. Wash as usual to see the stain disappear.

Brighten Your Sneakers with Toothpaste

Image Editorial Credit: Kanurism / Shutterstock

Whitening toothpaste can lift dirt and scuffs from white sneakers. Apply a small amount to the stained area with an old toothbrush and scrub gently. Let it sit for 10 minutes before wiping away with a damp cloth. This leaves your sneakers looking bright and fresh.

Deal with Smelly Sneakers

Image Editorial Credit: Kostikova Natalia / Shutterstock

For foul-smelling sneakers, sprinkle baking soda inside each shoe and let it sit overnight. The soda will absorb moisture and odors. Shake out the powder the next day, and your sneakers will smell much better. It’s a quick fix for frequent gym-goers.

Scrub Your Cast Iron Skillet with a Potato

Image Editorial Credit: Valentina_G / Shutterstock

For stubborn rust on your cast iron skillet, sprinkle salt on the rusted area and scrub it with a cut potato. The moisture and starch from the potato help lift the rust while the salt acts as an abrasive. Rinse and season the skillet afterward.

This article originally appeared on RetailShout

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