10 Best Boxed Brownie Mixes, Ranked

When it comes to satisfying a chocolate craving, nothing beats a good brownie. And let’s face it, sometimes we don’t have the time or energy to bake from scratch. That’s where boxed brownie mixes come to the rescue. With so many options out there, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. To make it easier for you, I’ve put together a ranked list of the best boxed brownie mixes. From the budget-friendly to the gourmet, there’s something here for every chocolate lover.

10. Kodiak Protein-Packed Brownie Mix

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Kodiak Protein-Packed Brownie Mix is a unique option that stands out for its high protein content. It’s designed for those looking to add a bit more nutritional value to their sweet treats. The texture is slightly different from traditional brownies, leaning towards a denser and more chewy consistency. Despite the healthy twist, it retains a good amount of chocolate flavor, though it might not be as rich as other mixes. The inclusion of whole grains gives it a somewhat earthy taste. It’s a good choice for health-conscious individuals but might not fully satisfy classic brownie cravings.

9. Whole Foods 365 Fudge Brownie Mix

Image Editorial Credit: Whole Foods Market

Whole Foods 365 Fudge Brownie Mix offers a decent option for those shopping at Whole Foods. It delivers a moderately fudgy texture and a reasonable chocolate flavor. While not the richest brownie mix on the market, it does have a pleasant, homemade taste. The ingredients are generally clean, aligning with Whole Foods’ commitment to quality. However, some might find the chocolate intensity lacking compared to other premium mixes. It’s an acceptable choice for a mid-week dessert but may not impress during special occasions.

8. Betty Crocker Fudge Brownie Mix

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Betty Crocker Fudge Brownie Mix is a household name that many have grown up with. It offers a consistent, reliable brownie experience with a soft, chewy texture. The chocolate flavor is decent but not overly intense, making it suitable for a wide audience. One of its strengths is the ease of preparation, requiring minimal effort and resulting in a dependable treat. However, it doesn’t stand out in terms of richness or gourmet quality. It’s a solid, no-frills option for quick brownie fixes.

7. Duncan Hines Chewy Fudge Brownie Mix

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Duncan Hines Chewy Fudge Brownie Mix is praised for its exceptionally chewy texture. The brownies come out dense and moist, hitting the mark for those who prefer chewy over cakey brownies. The chocolate flavor is robust, though it can sometimes taste a bit artificial. It’s straightforward to make, requiring just a few ingredients and steps. Despite its chewiness, it lacks the depth of flavor found in some higher-end mixes. It’s a reliable choice for those who prioritize texture over flavor complexity.

6. Krusteaz Gluten-Free Double Chocolate Brownie Mix

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Krusteaz Gluten-Free Double Chocolate Brownie Mix is a standout in the gluten-free category. It delivers a surprisingly rich and fudgy texture, making it difficult to distinguish from regular brownies. The double chocolate aspect ensures a strong cocoa presence, satisfying even the most discerning chocolate enthusiasts. It’s easy to prepare and yields consistent results. While it’s an excellent choice for those needing a gluten-free option, it also appeals to those without dietary restrictions due to its quality and flavor.

5. Pillsbury Chocolate Fudge Brownie Mix

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Pillsbury Chocolate Fudge Brownie Mix offers a nostalgic taste that many will recognize. It creates a classic, chewy brownie with a good balance of sweetness and chocolate flavor. The mix is very easy to prepare, making it a go-to for quick dessert needs. While it might not be the richest or most decadent option, it provides a reliable and enjoyable brownie experience. It’s perfect for family gatherings or when you need a dependable dessert option without much fuss.

4. Duncan Hines Mega Chewy Fudge Brownie Mix

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Duncan Hines Mega Chewy Fudge Brownie Mix is perfect for those who crave an extra chewy texture in their brownies. This mix produces brownies that are incredibly dense and moist, delivering a delightful chewiness in every bite. The chocolate flavor is rich and satisfying, making it a hit among chocolate enthusiasts. It’s also easy to prepare, with straightforward instructions that ensure consistent results each time. These brownies are great for those who prefer a more substantial and chewy treat over a cakey texture. Ideal for serving at gatherings or indulging in a chocolate fix at home.

3. Trader Joe’s Brownie Truffle Baking Mix

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Trader Joe’s Brownie Truffle Baking Mix is a hit among fans of rich, decadent brownies. This mix produces brownies with a dense, truffle-like texture that is incredibly satisfying. The chocolate flavor is intense, making each bite a delight for chocolate lovers. The mix includes real chocolate chips, enhancing the overall richness. It’s a bit more involved in preparation compared to simpler mixes but well worth the effort. These brownies are perfect for impressing guests or indulging in a gourmet treat at home.

2. Great Value Fudge Brownie Mix

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Great Value Fudge Brownie Mix from Walmart surprises with its quality given the low price point. It delivers a rich, fudgy texture and a strong chocolate flavor that rivals more expensive brands. The brownies are moist and chewy, providing a delightful eating experience. Preparation is simple and straightforward, making it a convenient option for quick desserts. Despite being a budget brand, it doesn’t compromise on taste or texture, making it a great value for money.

1. Ghirardelli Double Chocolate Brownie Mix

Image Editorial Credit: Walmart

Ghirardelli Double Chocolate Brownie Mix takes the top spot for its exceptional quality and flavor. These brownies are incredibly rich and chocolatey, thanks to the inclusion of real Ghirardelli chocolate chips. The texture is perfect, balancing between fudgy and cakey. Each bite is a luxurious experience, making it feel like a homemade treat. While it is on the pricier side, the superior taste and quality justify the cost. It’s the ultimate choice for those who want the best boxed brownie mix available.

This article originally appeared on RetailShout

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