8 American Foods That Non-Americans Love And 8 They Hate

Food is what brings us together. People from different nations connect over food. Ever wondered what non-Americans really think about our food? It turns out, some classic American dishes have international fans drooling, while others have them reaching for the nearest trash can. Here are some American foods that non-Americans either love to devour or love to avoid like the plague.

Hamburgers (Loved)

Image Editorial Source: Timolina / Shutterstock

Hamburgers are a quintessential American delight. With their juicy patties, fresh toppings, and soft buns, they’ve captured hearts worldwide. Many appreciate the endless customization options, from gourmet versions to classic fast-food favorites. The balance of flavors and textures in a well-made burger is something that transcends cultural boundaries.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches (Hated)

Image Editorial Credit: George Dolgikh / Shutterstock

While beloved in the U.S., the combination of peanut butter and jelly can seem odd and overly sweet to non-Americans. The texture and flavor contrast are not always appreciated. The sticky, rich peanut butter paired with sweet, fruity jelly creates a taste that some find cloying.

Barbecue Ribs (Loved)

Image Editorial Credit: Tatiana Volgutova / Shutterstock

Slow-cooked, smoky, and tender, American barbecue ribs are a hit globally. The rich, flavorful sauces and the melt-in-your-mouth meat make them an irresistible treat for meat lovers. Regional variations like Kansas City’s sweet and tangy sauce or Texas’s dry rubs add to the excitement for those exploring American cuisine.

Grits (Hated)

Image Editorial Credit: Ixepop / Shutterstock

This Southern staple, made from ground corn, has a bland, sometimes grainy texture that many non-Americans find unappealing. Its subtle taste doesn’t win everyone over. Even when dressed up with butter, cheese, or shrimp, grits can be a divisive dish due to its unique consistency.

Mac and Cheese (Loved)

Image Editorial SOurce: Oksana Mizina / Shutterstock

This comfort food classic, with its creamy cheese sauce and tender pasta, has won over many non-Americans. Its simplicity and indulgent taste make it a beloved dish across various cultures. The homemade versions, often baked with a crispy topping, elevate this dish from a simple side to a star on its own.

Biscuits and Gravy (Hated)

Image Editorial Credit: Martha Graham / Shutterstock

This breakfast dish, featuring soft biscuits smothered in creamy sausage gravy, can be off-putting to non-Americans due to its rich, heavy nature and unusual combination of flavors. The dense biscuits paired with the thick, savory gravy create a hearty meal that’s not to everyone’s taste.

Buffalo Wings (Loved)

Image Editorial Credit: Foodio / Shutterstock

Spicy, tangy, and perfect for sharing, Buffalo wings are a popular snack food that non-Americans enjoy, especially while watching sports. The variety of available sauces, from mild to fiery, adds to their appeal. The combination of crispy skin and juicy meat, paired with a cooling dip like ranch or blue cheese, makes for an addictive treat.

Twinkies (Hated)

Image Editorial Credit: ALPS DESIGN / Shutterstock

These iconic snack cakes, with their spongy exterior and sweet filling, are often criticized for being too artificial and sugary. Non-Americans frequently find them overly processed. The long shelf life and the distinctly synthetic taste and texture make Twinkies a snack that many prefer to avoid.

New York Cheesecake (Loved)

Image Editorial Credit: innakreativ / Shutterstock

Known for its dense, creamy texture and rich flavor, New York cheesecake is a dessert that has found fans all over the world. Its versatility with different toppings, like strawberries or caramel, makes it even more enticing. The contrast between the buttery crust and the smooth filling is a delight for dessert lovers.

Meatloaf (Hated)

Image Editorial Credit: etorres / Shutterstock

A traditional American comfort food, meatloaf is often seen as bland and unappetizing by non-Americans. Its dense texture and sometimes ketchup-based topping are not universally enjoyed. The uniformity of the meat and the lack of vibrant seasoning can make it a less exciting option.

Apple Pie (Loved)

Image Editorial Credit: Anna Fedorova_it / Shutterstock

An iconic American dessert, apple pie is loved for its sweet, spiced filling and flaky crust. Often served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, it’s a classic that represents American hospitality. The nostalgic value and the homey feel of a freshly baked apple pie make it a favorite among international visitors.

Sweet Potato Casserole with Marshmallows (Hated)

Image Editorial Credit: Foodio / Shutterstock

This Thanksgiving favorite, combining sweet potatoes with sugary marshmallows, is often found too sweet and strange by non-Americans. The combination of savory and sweet elements is jarring to some. The dish’s dessert-like qualities, served as a side dish, can be confusing and off-putting.

Pancakes with Maple Syrup (Loved)

Image Editorial Credit: Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

Fluffy pancakes drenched in real maple syrup are a breakfast favorite that non-Americans adore. The combination of soft pancakes and sweet syrup is a delightful start to the day. Adding fresh fruits, nuts, or whipped cream makes them even more special and enjoyable.

American Cheese (Hated)

Image Editorial Credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock

Processed American cheese, often used in sandwiches and burgers, is criticized for its artificial taste and texture. Non-Americans often prefer more natural cheese varieties. The bright orange color and the plastic-like consistency make it a less appealing choice for those used to more traditional cheeses.

S’mores (Loved)

Image Editorial Credit: NoirChocolate / Shutterstock

This campfire treat, made of graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows, has gained popularity beyond American borders. Its gooey, sweet nature makes it a nostalgic favorite for many. The simple joy of toasting marshmallows over an open flame and assembling s’mores is a fun and memorable experience.

Sloppy Joes (Hated)

Image Editorial Credit: Lukas Hejtman / Shutterstock

This messy sandwich, made with ground beef in a tangy tomato sauce, can be unappealing due to its sloppy presentation and overly sweet sauce. The combination of textures and the sometimes overly sugary taste make Sloppy Joes a dish that doesn’t always translate well internationally.

This article originally appeared on RetailShout.

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