14 Insane Food Challenges You Should Never Try

Food challenges have gone viral lately, flooding our social media feeds with jaw-dropping feats of culinary endurance. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and think, “I can do that too!” While these challenges look fun and offer a tempting shot at internet fame, it’s important to know the risks that come with these seemingly harmless challenges. The dangers of food challenges include serious health risks, psychological impacts, and even legal concerns.

The Inferno Wings Challenge

Image Editorial Credit: Andrey Starostin / Shutterstock

Some restaurants serve chicken wings drenched in sauces made from the world’s hottest peppers, such as the Carolina Reaper. These wings aren’t just spicy—they’re dangerously hot. Consuming them can lead to excruciating pain, severe vomiting, and even hospitalization due to the intense heat. The capsaicin in these peppers can cause temporary blindness if it gets into the eyes, and the overall experience can be overwhelmingly painful for those unprepared for such extreme spice levels.

72-Ounce Steak Challenge

Image Editorial Credit: crazy_mad_train / Shutterstock

At certain steakhouses, patrons can take on the challenge of consuming a 72-ounce steak along with various sides within an hour. While it might seem like a carnivore’s dream, this challenge is a nightmare for your digestive system. Eating that much meat in a short period can cause severe gastrointestinal distress, including stomach pain and nausea. There’s also a significant risk of choking due to the sheer amount of food that must be consumed rapidly.

Ghost Pepper Pizza Challenge

Image Editorial Credit: Rombeard / Shutterstock

Pizza lovers may be tempted to try a pie topped with ghost peppers, but this challenge is not for the faint of heart. Ghost peppers are among the hottest in the world, and eating a pizza loaded with them can cause intense burning in the mouth and throat. The heat can lead to difficulty breathing, profuse sweating, and severe stomach pain. The experience is often so painful that it can deter even the most adventurous eaters from ever trying it again.

The Saltine Cracker Challenge

Image Editorial Credit: TheCorgi / Shutterstock

This challenge involves eating six saltine crackers in one minute without drinking any water. Although it sounds simple, the challenge is surprisingly difficult. The dry crackers rapidly absorb saliva, making it almost impossible to swallow without water. This can lead to choking hazards and severe dryness in the mouth and throat, making it a potentially dangerous activity despite its simplicity.

The Milk Gallon Challenge

Image Editorial Credit: New Africa / Shutterstock

Drinking a gallon of milk within an hour is nearly impossible due to the human body’s limitations. Most people can’t digest that much lactose at once, leading to immediate vomiting, diarrhea, and severe bloating. The sheer volume of liquid is overwhelming for the stomach, often causing participants to feel extremely uncomfortable and ill shortly after beginning the challenge.

The Cinnamon Challenge

Image Editorial Credit: Valeri Vatel / Shutterstock

Swallowing a tablespoon of cinnamon without water is a recipe for disaster. Cinnamon is highly absorbent and can dry out the mouth and throat almost instantly, causing severe coughing, choking, and even the risk of inhaling the powder into the lungs. This can lead to serious respiratory issues and potential hospitalization, making it a challenge best left unattempted.

The Giant Burger Challenge

Image Editorial Credit: Ixepop / Shutterstock

Restaurants offering burgers that weigh several pounds often dare their patrons to finish them in a limited time. The challenge, however, is more than just a test of appetite. Eating such a large meal can lead to severe indigestion, nausea, and potential choking hazards due to the enormous amount of food that must be consumed quickly. The aftermath can be highly uncomfortable and risky for one’s health.

The 12-Egg Omelette Challenge

Image Editorial Credit: Sokorevaphoto / Shutterstock

Some diners serve up a challenge involving a 12-egg omelet filled with various ingredients, which must be eaten in a short time. This colossal meal can cause severe bloating and gastrointestinal distress due to the sheer volume of eggs and fillings. Overeating in this way can be extremely uncomfortable and potentially harmful to the digestive system.

The Sugar-Free Gummy Bear Challenge

Image Editorial Credit: Hugo Felix / Shutterstock

Consuming large quantities of sugar-free gummy bears might seem harmless, but the sugar substitutes like sorbitol and maltitol used in these candies have a powerful laxative effect. Eating too many can lead to severe gastrointestinal issues, including intense cramping, diarrhea, and bloating. The effects can be both embarrassing and painful, making this challenge one to avoid.

The Wasabi Challenge

Image Editorial Credit: Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock

Eating large amounts of wasabi in a short time can be extremely painful. The intense heat of wasabi causes a burning sensation in the nose and throat, often leading to nausea and vomiting. The experience can be overwhelming, as the body’s reaction to such a concentrated amount of heat is immediate and severe, making this challenge a risky endeavor.

The Fatty Challenge

Image Editorial Credit: lassedesignen / Shutterstock

Some restaurants serve dishes laden with extreme amounts of fat and grease, challenging patrons to consume them in one sitting. These meals can lead to severe indigestion, heartburn, and other digestive issues. The high-fat content is not only difficult for the body to process quickly, but it can also pose long-term health risks if such eating habits are repeated.

The Oyster Challenge

Image Editorial Credit: Netrun78 / Shutterstock

Eating several dozen raw oysters in one go can be risky due to potential food poisoning, especially if the oysters aren’t fresh or properly stored. Raw oysters can harbor harmful bacteria like Vibrio, leading to severe illness. The texture and richness of the oysters also make them difficult to consume in large quantities, often resulting in nausea and digestive distress.

The Ice Cream Sundae Challenge

Image Editorial Credit: Todd Castor / Shutterstock

A massive ice cream sundae, often weighing several pounds, might sound like a sweet treat, but it can lead to severe brain freeze, sugar crashes, and nausea. The high sugar content and cold temperature can be overwhelming, causing discomfort and potential health issues from consuming such a large amount of sugar in one sitting.

The Raw Onion Challenge

Image Editorial Credit: Alfa Photostudio / Shutterstock

Eating a whole raw onion can cause severe burning sensations in the mouth and throat. The pungent taste and high acidity can lead to intense stomach discomfort and gas. The experience is often unpleasant and painful, making this challenge one that few people would want to attempt more than once.

This article originally appeared on RetailShout.

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